Conflict Resolution and Mediation

We help organisations resolve complex disputes and differences between individuals and teams.

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Certified to the British Standard for the provision of investigative services, BS 102000.

Conflict resolution and mediation
Mediation, psychological safety, team development and coaching

“Our team of trained mediators and resolution experts have a track record of resolving the most entrenched disputes between individuals and teams.”

Conflict resolution and mediation - ibex gale

David Major

Founder & Director

clients we’ve helped
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Conflict resolution and mediation - ibex gale
Conflict resolution and mediation - ibex gale
Conflict resolution and mediation - ibex gale
How we can help
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Experienced facilitators who help you overcome conflict challenges in the workplace

Highly Experienced

Our team of accredited mediators are expert facilitators and coaches who can unlock conflict using a range of techniques and interventions.

Proven techniques

We use methods such as the Fearless Organisational Scan and distinct mediation processes that result in positive forward steps for individuals, teams and companies.

Confidential & Impartial

Our independence as facilitators allows the freedom for people to voice their challenges, feelings and perspectives in a confidential and safe environment.


Resolving disputes in the workplace

Using mediation and conflict resolution techniques to help people in a disagreement to move forward.

Practical solutions with fresh eyes in a constructive and positive manner.

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Royal Shakespeare Company

find out more

Our brochure explains more about our conflict resolution and mediation services

We are always happy to have a confidential discussion, so please get in touch.

Conflict resolution and mediation
Conflict resolution and mediation - ibex gale
Discover ibex gale

ibex gale is a leading provider of services that help our clients create exceptional workplaces

The company's service areas are workplace investigations, organisational culture, conflict resolution & mediation, governance & assurance and change projects. We are proud to work with clients ranging from investment banks to the NHS.

our accreditations
Conflict resolution and mediation - ibex gale
Conflict resolution and mediation - ibex gale
Conflict resolution and mediation - ibex gale
Conflict resolution and mediation - ibex gale
Conflict resolution and mediation - ibex gale
Conflict resolution and mediation - ibex gale
Conflict resolution and mediation - ibex gale

David Major heads up our Conflict Resolution and Mediation team

David major - ibex gale

David Major

Founder & Director

“David undertook the investigation in a most professional and thorough...


Conflict Resolution and Mediation FAQs

Conflict Resolution and Mediation involves a variety of approaches that allow those experiencing relationship ruptures to explore solutions and take collective responsibility for resolving issues and concerns that may be manifesting themselves in the workplace.

At ibex gale, our process involves an up-front ‘Discovery’ phase where we complete an enquiry led process to understand the underlying issues. We then work with the individuals and/or teams experiencing conflict to assist in navigating a course, together, that stands the best possible chance of success. We support people to use the mediative approach to take their historic negative experiences and build on those to transform their ability to work together more productively and collaboratively.

Examples of approaches that ibex gale use are:

• Individual feedback and coaching sessions to raise individuals’ awareness and take responsibility for their part in sustaining the conflict – this ownership and self-reflection is vital for creating commitment to whatever follows.

• Traditional mediation to support fractured relationship repair between two or more individuals.

• Team sessions that follow a variety of formats, often including key leaders in part or all of the sessions, ranging from those run as practical workshops to clarify, map and agree roles, responsibilities and behaviours through to far more complex relational psychology-based team coaching sessions.

• Separate relational mediative sessions, held with a compassionate and supportive yet very unambiguous clarity, which allow us to challenge the unproductive and disruptive factions that can sometimes exist within teams and often go unchallenged.

• Individual intensive developmental leadership coaching.

• Team learning sessions on relevant themes such as Psychological Safety, Non-Violent Communication, Systemic Thinking, Trust and Understanding the Dynamic Impact of Power in Teams.

Resolution or Mediation should be considered when an organisation or individual parties identify a breakdown in communication or relationship(s). This may when a complaint or grievance has been made, or when there is a developing sense that relationships are not working, and a complaint or grievance may result if the situation is not resolved.

Often there might be signals such as failures in communication, cooperation and understanding differing perspectives or personal styles, which affect the day-to-day functionality in the workplace. Acting quickly is crucial to allow people to explore solutions to avoid issues escalating into complaints, and to safeguard productive working relationships that enhance the well-being and engagement of everyone concerned.

On occasion, there may be deep running conflicts that extend over may years, sometimes decades, that have simply been left to go unaddressed, but recent experiences have resulted in these becoming more of an issue for a wider team, group of stakeholders or the organisation. The idea of trying to tackle these issues can feel overwhelming and insurmountable, but our approach allows for even the most deep seated and extensive timescales to be supported.

We have an incredibly knowledgeable team, with vast experience managing conflict from low level communication issues through to more complex and disruptive relationship issues.

We work closely with the sponsors of this often difficult, uncomfortable work, also involving key stakeholders, to co-create interventions in a highly collaborative, non-judgemental and emergent way. These issues are often complex and have developed over many years, so are systemic in nature and have been neglected, rationalised and not dealt with because of the difficulty in confronting them. Because of this complexity, it is crucial to allow the pathway to emerge rather than following a formulaic approach, so we work together on sustainable solutions that are developed with the organisation, rather than imposed from outside

Putting a price on our Conflict Resolution and Mediation service is challenging as each case varies in size, scope and complexity. For more traditional mediation which focuses on supporting resolution between 2 individuals, this process may be completed within 1-1.5 days. For more complex situations involving multiple individuals in a team conflict situation, the work may need to be more extensive. We design solutions on a bespoke basis to meet the specific needs of the situation as we understand it though our Discovery process.

Please visit our Contact Us page and a member of our team will be in touch.

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